Sunday, January 17, 2010

My new tattoo?

I recently read Lauren's (of ) list of likes and dislikes. One of the major points I took away was "Go to the source" for vintage inspiration. So, since I have a birthday coming (like a freight train, lol) I decided to get a tattoo that says GO TO THE SOURCE.

Just kidding!

I did decide to bday gift myself some resources by purchasing a few late 50's magazines. I'm hoping they will broaden my views of 50's fashion. I'd really like to learn more about line and mixing seperates which has always been a challenge for me. The adverts will simply be icing on my ephemoral birthday cake! I love old ads and plan to savor each and every page of printed past once my mags arrive. Regretably, we used to have a ton of old Life magazines in our attic. I remember sitting in the hot attic reading when I was supposed to be helping to clean out the "junk". Boo hoo! Why did we think they were junk????

I also gave myself a c1950 book entitled "Look Younger Live Longer" by Gayelord Houser. It features beauty/diet recipes and chapters like "Refuse to be Tired" (if it works, that alone was worth the price of admission!), "Diet Can Make You Beautiful", "Don't Be Too Thin" (Ha! Little did they know Twiggy was just a decade away. snigger). Should be a fun read and possibly informative considering this info was pre Botox and pre Subway. Then again, it was also pre Dangerous Trans Fats too so we may have to take it with a grain of salt and common sense. I'll try to share once it arrives with the caveat that it's for "entertainment purposes" only.

If anyone else is having a birthday...Happy Birthday! May your year be filled with health, happiness, love and killer vintage buys. (Uh, I originally typed killer vintage GUYS...well, whichever you'd prefer!)

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